Kathleen McDonnell Bell Art

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Blooming in Giants Steps

In the northern most part of Northern Ireland is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Giants Causeway. The area is made up of basalt columns along the coast and out into the ocean. More than 40,000 columns can be seen which are more than 60 million years old. Legend has it, the causeway was built by the giant Fionn Mac Comhaill, otherwise known as Finn McCool. He argued with a Scottish giant and the causeway was built so that they could reach each other, but then destroyed during their battles. All you see today are the remnants of the steps.

As the light changes through out the day, you have a different view of the area every view minutes. Amongst the basalt columns life goes on, plants grow and fish swim. Spending a day and watching the sunset, was one of the most beautiful days ever.